A downloadable game for Windows

You wrote a note to Santa, but it flew out the window and into the wrong hands...

Вы писали письмо Санте, но оно улетело в окно и попало не в те руки...


Not Santa.rar 72 MB
Not Santa 32 bit.rar 69 MB

Install instructions

1 file - for a 64-bit system
2 file - for a 32-bit system

1 файл = для 64-битной системы
2 файл = для 32-битной системы


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It was an interesting game but I found it quite small and missing a lot of scare factor. Part of what makes games scary is the mystery of the monster and unpredictability. This monster was very predictable and very visible. Additionally, it's possible to jump on top of the buildings using the rocks for cover.

Adding fog to the game would've helped it tremendously. A monster that sometimes rotates or moves in a path towards your direction if you are close enough to it would've also helped

love your game thank you it was fun 
